Province Gazetteer: Daggerfall
The rolling woodlands of Daggerfall
Daggerfall is located on the south west corner of the northern side of the Iliac Bay. It shares borders with Tulune, Glenpoint and Ilessan hills in the north and Shalgora on the east. Although physically not the largest province, it is one of the most densely populated areas in the Bay. It is the home of the Knights of the Dragon and the Coven on the Bluff. It contains the Privateer's Hold Dungeon. This is one of the three most important provinces in Bay politics.
Province statistics for Daggerfall:
Main Deity: |
Kynareth |
Town Temples |
Towns: |
? |
Banks: |
? |
Arkay: |
? |
Mages Guilds: |
? |
Dibella: |
? |
Fighters Guilds: |
? |
Order of the Hour(Akatosh): |
? |
Thieves Guilds: |
? |
Julianos: |
? |
Dark Brotherhoods: |
? |
Kynareth: |
? |
Knightly Orders: |
?: Dragon |
Mara: |
? |
Graveyards: |
74 |
Stendarr: |
? |
Dungeons: |
192 |
Zenithar: |
? |
Covens: |
1 |
Highlights of the province:
The Odd Blades in Daggerfall City is generally considered to be one of the best weapon stores in the Bay.
Privateer's Hold on the west coast is the starter dungeon and is a fixed layout. Ideal for further training sessions.
Good selling prices can be obtained at:
- Lord Rodynak's Provisions, Broadmont Wood - does not take armour
- The Adventurer's Pharmacy, Broadpath Minster
- Daggerfall Mail, Daggerfall
- The Smithy in Longing
- The Emperor's Hockshop (NE store), Vanmarket
Penwold has several houses for sale right next to the Mages Guild.
The following stores have no sales goods: Uthistyr's Quality Supplies, Broadpath Minster; Vintage Supplies, Charentale; The Emperor's Jewelry, Cromwych Hill; Crosstry Provisions, Crosstry.
Reywich features a camel in the centre of town.
Midbury Mages can be a source of early Daedric items.
Charton has no low quality shops.
Glenmoril Covens can be foound in the following locations:
- Daggerfall - due east of the Thieve's Guild
- Eastwick - just south of the Fighters Guild
- Gothway Garden - just south of Gondyn's Quality Supply Store
- Longing - south west corner
Detailed map of Daggerfall, including towns, inns and hostels, graveyards, dungeons and covens.
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